Legal Notice
Attorney-at-law and civil law notary Martin Faust Grüneburgweg 159, 60323 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 653 00 09-0 Fax.: +49 69 653 00 09-25 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VAT ID no.: DE254090584
Attorney-at-law and civil law notary Dr. Olaf Gerber Grüneburgweg 159, 60323 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 653 00 09-0 Fax.: +49 69 653 00 09-25 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VAT ID no.: DE815075612
Attorney-at-law and civil law notary Dr. Alexander Haines Grüneburgweg 159, 60323 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 653 00 09-0 Fax.: +49 69 653 00 09-25 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VAT ID no.: DE281315658
Admission Martin Faust, Dr. Olaf Gerber and Dr. Alexander Haines are each admitted pursuant to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany as attorney-at-law and civil law notary with offices in Frankfurt am Main. Each of them is a member of the Chamber of Notaries (Notarkammer), Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main ( and the Chamber of Lawyers (Rechtsanwaltskammer), Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main( The competent supervisory authorities are the President of the Frankfurt am Main District Court (Landgericht), the President of the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) and the Department of Justice of Hesse (Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz).
Professional rules The profession and fees of civil law notaries are governed by the German Federal Notary Ordinance (Bundesnotarordnung), the German Act on Notarial Recordings (Beurkundungsgesetz), the German Service Ordinance for Notaries (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare), the Professional Guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries (Notarkammer) of Frankfurt, the German Act on Court and Notary Costs (Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz) as well as the Regulation on Keeping of Notarial Files and Directories (Verordnung über die Führung notarieller Akten und Verzeichnisse) (accessible via the website The profession and fees of attorneys-at-law are governed by The German Federal Attorneys Ordinance (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung), the German Professional Ordinance for Lawyers (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte), the German Ordinance on Lawyers‘ Certifications (Fachanwaltsordnung), the Professional Rules of the European Union Attorneys as well as the German Act on Lawyers‘ Fees (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz) (accessible via the website of the Federal Chamber of Attorneys (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) under „Anwaltschaft“ „Berufsrecht“).